Fischtag – neues aus dem Schilderwald Nicht vergessen – Freitag ist Fisch Tag. By Philipp Sack|2016-10-16T15:50:35+02:00November 1st, 2013|allgemein|Comments Off on Fischtag – neues aus dem Schilderwald About the Author: Philipp Sack CEO und Kreativkopf bei pr-ide. Kreuz und querlenkend, gerne segelnd. Immer auf der Suche nach innovativen Lösungen - manchmal schon bevor das Problem erkannt wurde. Related Posts pr-ide: A new focus for innovative design and sustainable development pr-ide: A new focus for innovative design and sustainable development Design made in Germany Design made in Germany Whoever always does what he already can… Whoever always does what he already can… Chains of association as the key to creativity in the design process Chains of association as the key to creativity in the design process Spreegebrabbel #7 Spreegebrabbel #7