The agency for industrial design, marketing and communication
We(Martina Müller and Philipp Sack) are pr-ide – since May 2001. And we too are getting used to thinking differently in this crazy world, acting differently and advising differently. We design, create and make ideas tangible! We develop strategies, communicate and create, write and search for the best form of presentation for your company. But we adapt to the speed of change and focus even more on the digital world. We react, try things out, abandon stereotypical thinking and thus lead companies to high visibility in their segment. We work together with partners and can therefore act across disciplines and locations. This allows us to remain flexible so that we can respond to our customers’ individual problem situations without incurring high overhead costs.
Martina Müller
- PR consultant
- Certified Social Media Manager (TH Cologne)
- Multimedia concept designer
- A. Linguist and literary scholar for Russian and Italian
My passion is communication
not just chatter with a champagne glass, but strategically planned and well thought out for companies. With practical experience from 20 years of PR work for larger and smaller companies, 10 years of experience in the international area of institution building (NGO sector), I can somnambulantly rely on my intuition when it comes to finding the right communication approach . It is exciting for me to keep getting to know new industries and to develop new topics. I am most familiar with water sports tourism because I have advised on and implemented many brand development projects in recent years.
I’m actually a “digital native”.
I am also a qualified yoga teacher (500h/ BDY).
Yoga helps me to focus and maintain my emotional balance in a challenging professional environment. In my view, yoga and PR are not opposites, but complementary areas. But ultimately I’m a PR professional to the core, well structured and mastermind of networks. I am motivated every day anew by convincing decision-makers of good ideas and preferably implementing them.
What I’m passionate about and what I would still like to do
- Sailing across the Atlantic
- Learn yoga in an ashram in Rishikesh
- Play the Indian harmonium perfectly
- Go into the splits
- Get to know Cuba by bike
- Write a book
- There would be so much more… Work for now.
Philipp Sack
- Industrial designer for investment and consumer goods, with passion!!
- Also web and graphic designers with unusual ideas
- also been a lecturer at the University of the Arts.
Finding solutions to problems that have not yet been recognized as such is very appealing.
I am enthusiastic about developing unusual design approaches for existing products or rethinking and redesigning products from scratch. I enjoy surprising people with unusual ideas, and I am increasingly focusing on sustainability.
Inventions are my passion
With every commodity I see immediately what could be improved.
This is both a blessing and a curse, because a sketchpad with new ideas has become my notebook. I see products that need improvement all the time. In the case of a grill, this even led to in-house production. After several prototypes, the grill is, TWOHALB; On the market for almost two years now, with probably the flattest FLACHwieFLUNDER barbecue tongs for a year now. Both are produced in Berlin.
What I’m passionate about and would like to do one day
- Rush across the Atlantic in a sailing boat
- Run at the next Berlin Half Marathon
- Help out on an oyster farm
- Be part of the first journey through time….
Die 7 schwerwiegenden Fehler im Design Entwurfsprozess!
Abstimmung – wie viele sind für Variante A? Wer ist noch für Variante B? ! Design ist kein demokratischer Prozess, Design ist ein kreativer Prozess! Abstimmungen hingegen finden zum Beispiel im Bundestag statt. Es soll [...]
Doch von Pappe
Als ehemaliger Erfinder und Produzent von PapMan sind wir immer noch mit dem Material "verbunden" ;) Daher wollen wir das Video nicht vorenthalten!
Präsentieren leicht gemacht
Es gab einmal diese Drohung der Dia-Abende. Nach Reisen oder Familienfesten wurde der Raum verdunkelt, der Diaprojektor angeworfen und dann gefühlte Lichtjahre lang mehr oder minder gelungene Bilder präsentiert. Einer der besonders darunter leiden musste [...]
Es gibt kein gut designtes Handy!*
Wenn Sie ein Auto besitzen, dann werden Sie kaum vor der ersten Ausfahrt an jeder Ecke Schaumstoffpolster anbringen und den Lack mit einer Schutzfolie bekleben. Auch Brillenträger mit Schutzfolie vor den Kunststoffgläsern sind selten zu [...]
Die Freitagslinklist
Wir wissen was wir die Woche gemacht haben, die Verlaufsleiste im Browser weiß mehr. Manches über das man gestolpert, gelesen oder recherchiert hat. Hier ein paar Highlights der letzten Woche. Unser Favorit, die von Drohnen gesponnene Hängebrücke:
Herbstanfang – pride erklärt die Welt
Gerade noch rechtzeitig um am kommenden Wochenende die ersten Herbsteffekte zu generieren, werden die ersten Laubhaufen an den Straßenrändern bereitgestellt. Voraussichtlich in den frühen Morgenstunden oder – je nach Bezirk – auch Abends werden diese dann von den Laubbläsern möglichst gleichmäßig verteilt, bis die richtige Herbststimmung aufkommt…..