
About Philipp Sack

CEO und Kreativkopf bei pr-ide. Kreuz und querdenkend, gerne segelnd. Immer auf der Suche nach innovativen Lösungen - manchmal schon bevor das Problem erkannt wurde.
Ohne Illusionen wird das Leben zum Existieren. Mark Twain

Chains of association as the key to creativity in the design process

Or - why does the picture make me think of "Spaceship Orion"? Associative chains, the seemingly random linking of thoughts and ideas, play a decisive role in the development of creativity in the design process. They not only enable designers [...]

Street furniture: more than just seating – design for a climate-adapted city

Street furniture shapes the image of our cities and contributes significantly to the quality of life. But in times of climate change, it needs to do more than just look good. Intelligent design can make street furniture an important player [...]

The digital design revolution: How technology is reinventing the drawing board

Design, whether of products, buildings, graphics or works of art, has always been closely linked to the tools available. From the first cave paintings to today's highly complex 3D models, technology has constantly evolved and with it the way we [...]

Spreegebrabbel #7

Klimaanpassung – Prophylaxe für den Patient Wassersport Das Meer ist schon lange Sehnsuchtsort der Menschen. Man muss nicht lange suchen, um die Gründe zu finden. Der Blick über einen weiten Horizont ist wohltuend für die Seele, denn er hilft, den [...]

By |2024-08-03T01:24:29+02:00August 2nd, 2024|allgemein, podcast, tourismus-pr, Wetter, Word zum Freitag|0 Comments

ACHEMA – Show of new ideas & technologies

Every three years, new developments in technology and inventions are presented to the publicat the World Forum for Process Technology at ACHEMA in Frankfurt Here are a few impressions from a stroll through the halls: The use of hydrogen as [...]

By |2024-07-02T14:38:10+02:00July 2nd, 2024|after the fair, diesunddas @en|Comments Off on ACHEMA – Show of new ideas & technologies

AI – and what we do with it!

Hello, dear readers, I dared to try an exciting experiment: I had three articles in my blog written by an artificial intelligence (AI), even this article referring to it. Why did I do that? And what was the result? I [...]

By |2024-06-17T17:01:15+02:00June 17th, 2024|allgemein @en, Neues aus der Buchstabenfabrik. @en|Comments Off on AI – and what we do with it!

design goes agritechnika

The pandemic is almost forgotten. It is once again possible to travel by train and fly without wearing a mask, and the panic attacks felt by people positioned around a subway passenger battling a coughing fit have subsided. Trade fairs [...]

By |2023-11-14T20:48:56+02:00November 14th, 2023|allgemein @en, clients, Design @en, Design management, product design|Comments Off on design goes agritechnika
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