product design

Chains of association as the key to creativity in the design process

Or - why does the picture make me think of "Spaceship Orion"? Associative chains, the seemingly random linking of thoughts and ideas, play a decisive role in the development of creativity in the design process. They not only enable designers [...]

By |2024-08-28T21:08:25+02:00August 28th, 2024|allgemein @en, Der siebte Designsinn @en, Design Ideas, Design management, Die Welt erklärt! @en, note down, product design|Comments Off on Chains of association as the key to creativity in the design process

The digital design revolution: How technology is reinventing the drawing board

Design, whether of products, buildings, graphics or works of art, has always been closely linked to the tools available. From the first cave paintings to today's highly complex 3D models, technology has constantly evolved and with it the way we [...]

By |2024-08-05T19:09:09+02:00August 5th, 2024|Der siebte Designsinn @en, Neues aus der Buchstabenfabrik. @en, product design|Comments Off on The digital design revolution: How technology is reinventing the drawing board

design goes agritechnika

The pandemic is almost forgotten. It is once again possible to travel by train and fly without wearing a mask, and the panic attacks felt by people positioned around a subway passenger battling a coughing fit have subsided. Trade fairs [...]

By |2023-11-14T20:48:56+02:00November 14th, 2023|allgemein @en, clients, Design @en, Design management, product design|Comments Off on design goes agritechnika

AID – Artificial Industrial Design?

At some point the moment comes - pictures are wanted! Starting with a social media post, an article in the virtual plant newspaper, a presentation should be made more interesting. We all know situations in which you are looking for [...]

By |2023-04-18T19:36:31+02:00April 18th, 2023|allgemein @en, it could be..., product design, Unter den Scanner geraten @en|Comments Off on AID – Artificial Industrial Design?


Die Zukunft in der Agrartechnolgie liegt auch begründet in der zunehmenden Flexibilität. Technologie manifestiert sich nicht mehr alleine in Spezialmaschinen, sondern in Gruppen flexibel einsetzbarer Drohnen, die autark als intelligenter Schwarm die Feldpflege übernehmen. Die Vision von heute ist die [...]

By |2022-02-08T16:54:58+02:00February 7th, 2022|allgemein, Designmanagement, produktdesign, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Agrobots

Spreegebrabbel #3

Neue Technologien fordern neue Formensprache. Unsere Sehgewohnheiten ändern sich, unsere Erwartungshaltungen - unsere Technologien sind im Wandel. Was hat das für Auswirkungen? Wie sieht der Blick über den Feldrand aus?

By |2022-11-17T11:58:08+02:00April 22nd, 2021|podcast, pr-ide leaks, produktdesign, sustainable design, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Spreegebrabbel #3

Fun on the last mile

Electric scooters should make the last mile easier. Looking at the concepts in reality, it looks a bit different. You are used as a fun companion, alone, as a couple, sober or cute. Mindful or careless when parking - some [...]

By |2019-08-30T16:54:41+02:00August 30th, 2019|allgemein @en, Design @en, Design Ideas, it could be..., product design, sustainable design @en, Unter den Scanner geraten @en|Comments Off on Fun on the last mile

Die Kunst des perfekten Selfies

Wenn man mit Instagram Selfies macht, dann spiegelt die App das Kamerabild automatisch. Das ist irritierend, wenn Texte mit auf das Bild geraten. Viele Handys zeigen die Selfie Bilder auch Spiegelverkehrt an, was daran liegen mag, dass viele Hersteller meinen [...]

By |2018-01-25T11:53:53+02:00January 24th, 2018|it could be.., produktdesign, Unter den Scanner geraten|Comments Off on Die Kunst des perfekten Selfies
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